Varginha case update by Pedro Cunha
According to 'Programa de Domingo' aired tonight (16 June 96)
in Manchete Television Network we had the following statements:
From Pacaccini and other ufologists researching the Varginha case:
Names of people involved in the capture and transportartion of creatures:
- Lieutenant Colonel Olimpio Wanderley (Chief of operations)
- Lieutenant Tibe (sp?)
- Captain Ramirez
- Sargeant Pedrosa (Brazilian Army secret service)
Truck drivers (all in the army)
- Corporal Cirilo
- Soldier Vassalo
- Soldier De Mello (sp?)
And also the chief of the first operation of capture, Major Maciel.
Pathologist in Campinas, Sao Paulo State, (UNICAMP) where autopsy was done:
Dr. Badan Palhares.
More people were involved for sure in an operation of this nature.
There is now some evidence that a spaceship crash occurred in Minas Gerais,
near Varginha. There are now talks of 7 creatures that had been captured
(according to Pacaccini and Marco Antonio Petit, Brazilian ufologists).
There are also talks of the American Government (through the Air Force)
warning the Brazilian Government of space crafts coming over Brazilian
territory, confirmed by the Brazilian radar system (Air Force source,
according to the ufologists). There is an Air Force witness who doesn't want
to go public that allegedly said that he saw the spaceship debris on the
top of a truck.
All this came to the public in the Congress recently held in Curitiba,
Parana, south of Brazil.
Pedro Cunha